Tag: Web standards
MPEG Moves Forward With Royalty-Free Standard, Approves Call For Evidence
MPEG has moved forward with a royalty-free standard activity, approving a “Call for Evidence”, the typical first step in the MPEG standardization process. The MPEG Call for Evidence is referenced in the public Resolutions of the just-completed 93rd MPEG meeting, which also hint at an upcoming Call For Proposals. The Call for Evidence follows the…
Problem or Opportunity? Steve Jobs on Standardizing Royalty Free Codecs
As readers of this blog know, I am a long-time proponent of royalty-free standardization as the best option for open Web media, preferable to informal, vendor-run open-sourcing of undocumented or unreviewed Intellectual Property Rights. MPEG, an ISO working group (WG 11 of ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 29, to be precise), has been looking into…
Google Blinks, Supports Standardizing WebM
Last night Google appears to have ended its silence about its willingness to standardize VP8 and WebM. Cnet has updated a news article, “Mozilla trying to build VP8 into HTML5 video“, with Google’s response: “We’re excited by the community’s response to the WebM project, and we support efforts to standardize the technology,” Google said in…
FCC Video Device Innovation Notice: We Need an Open Video Internet!
The FCC Video Device Innovation Notice [1] asks one of the most fundamentally central questions to the prospect of not only a viable Broadband Plan for America, but also to the very future of the Open Internet that has revolutionized communications systems of all humanity: “How could the Commission develop a standard that would achieve…
Royalty free codec standards — don’t settle for less
After a lively debate, the IETF appears to be moving forward with a royalty-free audio codec standardization activity. Here’s to its successful launch and positive outcome. I’ve put a brief summary at the mpegrf.com site, and there is a good summary here. The group’s email discussion alias is here — and my view, expressed there…
A Royalty-Free MPEG: It’s Time for ISO and ITU to Deliver
In late 2001, to much industry enthusiasm, H.264 and MPEG-4 AVC were launched as the world’s unifying codec family in a joint project between ITU and ISO/MPEG with the undertaking that the “JVT [Joint Video Team] will define a “baseline” profile. That profile should be royalty-free for all implementations.” The failure to deliver on this…
OMS Video at “The State of the Web 2009”
Sun’s OMS Video codec work was mentioned in Matt Raible’s notes from the “The State of the Web 2009” session at this week’s Web Directions North conference: “Very specifically, there’s no royalty-free codec for video. This is nothing that standards bodies can solve. The most promising is that Sun Microsystems is developing an open codec…